Nouméa - New Caledonia
Client : Nouvelle Calédonie Energie
Date of completion : 2021
In the purpose of the design of the new floating power plant of Noumea deemed to be installed in the Bay, Globocean has performed a metocean desktop study in order to assess the non-cyclonic and cyclonic extreme winds , waves, currents and sea levels expected in the study area.
The following steps were followed for the realization of this study :
Implementation of a high resolution wind model inside the lagoon of Noumea (CFD software MeteoDyn)
Set-up of a parametric cylonic wind model (Holland empirical formulation)
Modelling of the offshore swell (software WaveWatchIII)
Implementation and execution of a wave propagation model within the lagoon taking into account the wave breaking effect on the coral belt
Implementation and execution of a 3D hydrodynamic model in the lagoon of Noumea
Assessment of the non-cyclonic and cyclonic extreme conditions at the pre-defined study points (EVA sofware, POT methodology)